Fed maintains rates amid easing inflation: Future impacts on Singapore and Malaysia
By The Fifth Person  •  June 14, 2024
On June 12, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) held a meeting that drew significant attention from investors worldwide, particularly on the interest rate movement. The Federal Reserve (Fed) has held interest rates steady at their current range of 5.25% to 5.5% and revised its outlook for rate cuts to just one in 2024.  Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stated at the press conference that the central bank still needs to be more confident in lower rates despite inflation having decreased from its peak levels. In this article, we will explore the factors influencing the Fed’s decision towards interest rates and examine the potential impacts of rate cuts on the U.S. and regional markets (Singapore and Malaysia).

How does the Fed determine interest rates?

The Fed does not directly control the interest rates but aims to influence the borrowing costs throughout the economy by adjusting the federal funds rate. This...
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By The Fifth Person
The Fifth Person believes in spreading a message that financial literacy and sound investment knowledge can help people around the world achieve financial independence and lead better lives for themselves and their loved ones.

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