A Simple Table to Visualize Your Number of Years to Retirement
By Data Science Investor  •  June 16, 2024
It's usually not easy for you to visualize how far away are you from your retirement goals.
Hence, I thought of putting some simple data into a table for easy visualisation.
For context, here are a few assumptions about retirement. Retirement here represents having a portfolio which can generate 4% annual returns which can cover your annual expenses You are starting with 0 value in your portfolio now.
Here is the table.
The vertical axis represents the savings rate (%). I choose a range which fits the majority of the population. If you are saving 0%, you will never be able to retire. If you are saving 100%, you are already retired.
The horizontal axis represents the annual investment returns after inflation (%). Again, I choose a range which fits the majority of the population. Most retail investors should be having annual...
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By Data Science Investor
This is a site to publish my findings and research which are based on data science to aid you in your decision making process for investments in stocks and property, particularly in the Singapore market.

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