Income FlexiTravel Hourly Insurance Is Perfect For Short Getaways (Only $3/Day)
By Turtle Investor  •  June 28, 2024
Income FlexiTravel Hourly Insurance offers affordable, flexible travel coverage for short trips to Malaysia, Batam, and Bintan at just $3 per day. Planning a quick getaway but dreading the hassle and cost of travel insurance? Imagine being able to cover your trip for just $3 a day! Enter Income FlexiTravel Hourly Insurance — perfect for those spontaneous jaunts to Malaysia, Batam, or Bintan. Whether you’re heading out for a food-and-massage getaway in Johor Bahru or a relaxing weekend in Penang, this insurance offers the protection you need at a fraction of the cost. Let’s take a closer look and see why this could be the perfect travel companion for your next short adventure. To me, travel and insurance go hand-in-hand, and there are no two ways about it. As it turns out, we did encounter a few mishaps when overseas and travel insurance saved the day. A lot of people don’t know that hourly coverage for travel insurance...
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By Turtle Investor
Hello there! I am Kevin and the author behind the Turtle Investor blog. At age 37, I hit CPF Full Retirement Sum (FRS) of $176,000 on the last day of 2019, twelve years after graduating from university. I am married and owns a 4-room apartment. I continue to be gainfully employed to build up my portfolio and provide my loved ones with better lives. Leaving everything behind and transitioning to a digital nomad life in Bali remains an option but not something that I’m actively pursuing now 🙂

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