At 4.2% annual returns with no lock-ins, is Chocolate Finance the real deal?
By Singapore's Budget Babe  •  July 3, 2024
It has been 1 year since Chocolate Finance broke into the scene and offered a new model of investing your spare cash for returns higher than fixed deposits, without any lock-ins. One year on, has Chocolate Finance delivered on its promise and lived up to its hype? When Chocolate Finance launched last year and offered 4.5% p.a. on your first $20,000, it created quite a bit of buzz among the personal finance community folks here. But while some Singaporeans were skeptical and some chose to stay out, some braver souls who understood its business decided to test it out and juice the returns for themselves. If you couldn’t get in, you weren’t the only one as Chocolate Finance launched in beta mode last year, which meant it was on a by-invite only basis. I was intrigued enough back then to do my due diligence (which you can see documented here), where I grilled the CEO to understand its...
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By Singapore's Budget Babe
Budget Babe is an ordinary lady striving to achieve financial freedom in Singapore before the age of 45. She is always looking for cost-effective ways to live a fulfilling life in amidst Singapore's rising costs, and writes in order to empower fellow Singaporeans on taking charge of their own lives and finances. The final goal is to eventually break free from the competitive rat race. Will I meet you there? ...

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