Wealth Machines: High Yield Non-performing Mortgage Backed Note Investing Case Study
By Investment Moats  •  April 11, 2016
Is it possible to get 12%/yr returns before taxes on a typical investment? If you look hard, have connections you may be able to find such obscure investments. They look like the typical scams but if you understand the details, you may not see them the same way. This post introduces you to potentially a very different form of wealth machine that is based on your typical instruments such as exchange traded funds, stocks, bonds, preference shares, insurance endowments. These instruments may or may not be available to you and as far as I know they are not very prevalent in this part of the world. The idea of wealth machines is NOT a focus on how much the financial instruments can make, but having the knowledge, wisdom and the sound execution to build wealth with them on a consistent basis. When reading do be aware of the following considerations:
  1. Return ...
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By Investment Moats
Investment Moats is set up by Kyith Ng and have been around since 2005. He aims to share his experiences making sense of money, how money works and ways to grow his money. It hopes that by sharing his experiences, both good and bad, season investors can advice and critique his decisions and new investors can learn from them and find their own style ...

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