By: Tan Kin Lian
Dear Mr Tan,
My posting on theonlinecitizen gave an example of a Vivolife policy, where premium is payable for 10 yrs (not 20 yrs as mentioned by you) but the coverage is for whole life.
Here are the details you requested:
Age 30 male (non-smoker).
Premium for a $100,000 Vivolife-10 yr premium term. Premium is $4251.75 a yr.
Total premium paid for 10 yrs is $42518. The cash value continues to grow even though premium is stopped.
At age 60 (that is, after the policy is inforce for 30 yrs), the cash value is $99306. If the policyholder surrenders the policy, he gets $99,306 (capital gain of $56788). Using a financial calculator, the yield is 4%p.a. This is similar to the coupon rate of long term government bonds.
Where can you find a zero coupon bond that allows you to pay in installments (instead of upfront) and yet offers you insurance coverage, as well as the flexibility to cash out and get a FULL refund + interests?
My investment savvy clients are familiar with asset allocation and they prefer to include Vivolife in part of their bond portfolio.
They classify Vivolife as an appreciating asset and Term policy is an expense. My clients are covered with both term and whole life policies.
Catherine Choong
Click here to view Mr. Tan's comments.
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