Frugality: Nature or Nurture?
By Talking Money Talking $ense  •  June 21, 2014
There was an interesting debate going around at a friends' gathering recently. Why is it that some people can resist impulsive buys but others just can't help themselves? Why are some people easily "contented" but others feel they need to be "rewarded" regularly with things they like?  Are you born frugal or was it your environment that made you so?

The debate got a little more specific and an interesting exchange followed. Two guys in the group were recounting why they were hooked on buying the latest games.

Half in jest, one went on to explain: he came from a poor family and was always envious of his well-off neighbours who could afford the latest appliances and material things. Unfortunately, his parents couldn't and wouldn't buy for him. Now that he could earn his own keep, it was time to make good what he didn't have.  The other friend countered, ......
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By Talking Money Talking $ense

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