Shares & Derivatives
This stock may continue to rally
By Singapore Stocks Investing (SSI)  •  January 20, 2016
As investors seeking profits and returns in this more and more dynamic stocks markets, we must ask ourselves what the stock themes are before investing our very dollars. Against the current markets backdrop where good dividends stocks have been oversold, it makes sense to go in by tranches to buy these stocks, though some sectors remain more “challenging” and chief of these sectors is oil: for looking at the current environment, oil may just get cheaper and cheaper. But we must also know that beside dividends theme, another theme that investors shall look at and which will come to the radar of investors “on” and “off” is that of the theme of “mergers and acquisitions”. Remember SMRT stock? That stock actually headed up for quite some percentage points before it is “ignored” by investors once again, sitting at its current price. And I have said that SMRT could still be ......
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By Singapore Stocks Investing (SSI)

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