Should You Avoid High P/E?
By StocksCafe  •  November 30, 2016
It has often been advocated to avoid any stocks with a high P/E. The common argument is that you would be overpaying for hype stocks. However, overpaying or not depends on how the high P/E stocks behaves in future. For example, if high P/E stocks actually do grow at a rate that is significantly higher than low P/E stocks, then it is arguably justifiable to buy stocks with a high P/E. One real-life example for this is Amazon. It has a notoriously high P/E for as long as the stocks exist, however, the stock price has also been growing exponentially. Of course, this is only one counter example. In this article, I would demonstrate in general if a higher P/E means higher growth in the context of the Singapore stock market. In particular, I am going to look at the following two dimensions: 1) P/E vs Earnings Change
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By StocksCafe
StocksCafe was created originally as a personal project to help me make better investment decisions. I decided to share it because it grew to a project that I believe many can benefit from. Feel free to let me know how it can improve to better assist you ...

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