How Has Singapore’s Pawn Shop Market Changed During COVID-19?
By ValueChampion  •  November 24, 2020
In recent years, Singaporeans have been acquiring more loans through pawn shops. While traditional loans are still the more popular choice, pawn shops can be attractive due to their quick cash disbursal without a credit check or income requirements and ability to lend to foreigners. During the circuit breaker, it was expected that pawn shops would lose some of their business due to closures, but their fast recovery was on pace with recent trends, and August 2020 showed the highest borrowed amount over the past year. How has the relationship between pawn shops and their customers changed during COVID-19, and are they a suitable alternative to traditional lending during a time of economic uncertainty? We explore this trend below. Pawn Shop Loans Fell 42% During COVID-19 but Recovered Quickly As Covid-19 began to spread across the world, stay-at-home orders were implemented by governments to protect the population. Singapore's circuit breaker ordered restricted movement of people and non-...
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By ValueChampion
We distill sprawling marketplaces—for insurance, credit cards, bank accounts, and more—down to choices that represent a sweet spot for value—as in offering the features, returns, or experience we think you need for the smallest outlay. We ask: Is the return on a particular purchase or decision worth the cost or risk of that option, and how does the choice stack up against other options?

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