China exposure in your portfolio
By Data Science Investor  •  February 17, 2021
If your portfolio does not currently have any exposure to the China market, it probably makes lot sense for you to start considering doing so. And there are many reasons behind it. China's economy is growing faster than expected. In this recent BBC article, it's expected that China's economy will begin to overtake the US economy by 2028. That is five years earlier than expected. The key reason behind this is due to how China handles the COVID-19 situation as compared to US. China has a reputation to react swiftly and strictly to any possible outbreak in the nation and is thus able to limit any possible negative economic impact to the country which might be resulted from the prolonged battle with the pandemic. In 2020, China is the only major economy to have reported economic growth. Growth for the full year is reported to be 2.3%. In contrast, US...
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By Data Science Investor
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