Almost exactly 1 year ago, I shared that I was selling stocks to derisk my portfolio.
Back then, it was clear to me that COVID was going to get worse before it would better, and with the market at all time highs, I wanted to meaningfully take risk off the table.
A year on, after an unbelievable 12 months – here I am, selling stocks again.
But for very different reasons.
How I am investing in 2021
A lot of you have asked how I am investing in 2021:
Hi FH, what is your position for the market in 2021? Apart of diversification and proper position sizing, what other risk mitigation could be considered to protect the downside if I choose not to take profit but rather to stay invested in the market. It’s very hard to predict the future market direction it will go.
I penned a lengthy post for Patrons this week to share my latest macro views and positioning, and I wanted to do the same for all FH readers....