What should we anchor our mood to?
By Life is a journey  •  October 26, 2021
Photo by Justin on Unsplash Dear Readers, Thank you for coming here! For the past few weeks since the extra commitment, my mood was up and down, even though not enough to say it was like a roller coaster. The up and downs were mainly reactive, as they have always been for me. For the past few weeks, they were reactive mainly to the challenges that came to me at work and how well I dealt with them. Luckily, that was all manageable so far. So at least for the past few weeks, my mood was anchored to what happened to me at work. The level of anchoring evolved of course. Initially, I was so used to “peaceful” and “relaxing” life that any challenges seemed a big deal. And my mood swung accordingly, feeling the pressure of the challenges and the joy after they had been dealt with. Now,...
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By Life is a journey
A white-collar and a father of 2, who would like to share his journey to Financial Freedom for both his own record keeping and hopefully inspiration for others on the same journey.

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