You will never see it coming. Learn to dance in the rain.
By Data Science Investor  •  June 4, 2022
How often has it been for us to be in situations when we told ourselves that a particular scenario could be entirely avoided due to the so-called obvious facts that are laid in front of us? You got drenched while walking to the bus stop. The clouds seem dark just now, you think to yourself. In hindsight, you should have bought an umbrella. Your favourite team just lost the championships by letting in a goal in the last 5 minutes. They seem weak on their defence, you think to yourself. In hindsight, they should have focused more on their defence. These are just some common thoughts that we often have in our daily lives. Just like weather and sports, the financial market is also one area where there will always be an unpredictable element. The stock you just bought crashed. The market is obviously still on a downtrend, you think to yourself....
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By Data Science Investor
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