Can you protect the ones you love?
By Life is a journey  •  July 5, 2022
From Internet Dear Reader, Thank you for coming here! Watched a good movie and had some thoughts. It is a Chinese movie and apparently there are different English names for it — Sheep Without a Shepherd II or Fireflies in the Sun. I prefer the second one. The main character of the movie was a father who had a beautiful, loving and happy family, even though he had no money or power. Of course, something bad had to happen. His cute son which he loved dearly needed a heart transplant to live. Apparently, the help they could get from government or charity was limited. They faced two problems: Wait for a matching heart, which is rare — the heart needs to come before it is too late.Money They did everything to accumulate enough money, including selling blood and borrowing from loan-sharks, while waiting for the heart. Finally, the heart came, but was stolen because the mayor’s son needed it too! Out...
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By Life is a journey
A white-collar and a father of 2, who would like to share his journey to Financial Freedom for both his own record keeping and hopefully inspiration for others on the same journey.

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