Trying out ChatGPT | The future of knowledge and learning is here?
By Singaporean Talks Money  •  December 26, 2022
I think I am pretty late to the game but just wanted to record on this cool AI technology. It’s been all over Twitter and the news on what ChatGPT is and how emails and articles can be crafted from it. Being an AI language model that can respond to you in a conversational manner providing data and information on your questions is interesting as it’s like having someone around to answer all your questions in a way that is meaningful. It is crazy to have an AI with boundless knowledge to be able to interact with you asking a simple question. Apple has Siri which a virtual assistant where you can use it to find things, set up events or alarms and also ask lame questions when you are bored. ChatGPT besides being able to answer your questions, it can also help generate software code which I think is...
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By Singaporean Talks Money
I am currently a 23 year old university student in SIM. I hope to be able to grow my money and see the power of compound interest. I became interested in investing when I took a gap year and worked full-time. I realized that by just saving, it was very difficult to achieve my financial goals hence i read up on investing.

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