Using ChatGPT to give a summary of books | “Rich Dad Poor Dad”
By Singaporean Talks Money  •  January 8, 2023
Really lazy first Sunday of 2023 so a ChatGPT generated article to start the year. Continuing from my previous article on ChatGPT, I realised that ChatGPT can also provide summaries of books and if you are thinking whether you want to pick that book up, you can actually get a summary before deciding on getting it. Depending on how you ask the question, you can get different information.
I am sure "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is always a recommended book whenever someone wants to improve their financial situation. "Rich Dad Poor Dad" has started many people’s journey on accumulating assets instead of liabilities and so a summary of it is great. So below is really all from ChatGPT, in other news, I saw that some schools will ban ChatGPT in their computers. 

Summary of "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a personal finance book written...
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By Singaporean Talks Money
I am currently a 23 year old university student in SIM. I hope to be able to grow my money and see the power of compound interest. I became interested in investing when I took a gap year and worked full-time. I realized that by just saving, it was very difficult to achieve my financial goals hence i read up on investing.

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