How To Get the Most Out of Your Integrated Shield Plan
By ValueChampion  •  February 13, 2023
With rapid medical inflation and rising health concerns due to environmental and genetic factors in Singapore, it is time to reconsider if the basic MediShield Life, a health insurance policy offered to all Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, can offer enough medical protection in the long run. After all, the cost of healthcare in Singapore has increased by 54.8% since 2001 and there is little doubt that this cost will continue to rise. That said, instead of hoping that MediShield Life’s S$150,000 annual claim limit will suffice, taking out an Integrated Shield Plan in Singapore (IP) may offer more viable solutions and peace of mind. What is an Integrated Shield Plan Source: Pexels An Integrated Shield Plan, also known in short as IP, is an optional health coverage provided by private insurers in Singapore. The seven plans available in the market include:
  • Healthshield Gold Max by AIA
  • GREAT Supreme Health by Great Eastern
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By ValueChampion
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