Given that there was a drastic selldown since my last portofilo update on 2 April 2023, thought it would be good to show what I am doing.
I have sold off my shares in Wei Yuan and Huya.
Huya's financial results was a let down as the China recovery is not materialising in the e sports and advertising segments. Chinese youth are still not spending likely due to the factors of being sandwiched with little savings and the prospects of expensive housing in China main cities. Huya has been struggling to produce profits and the US REITs were providing a larger margin of safety; hence the rotation.
Bought Alibaba, PRIME US and KORE
The latter 2 are my new value convictions and hence their accumulation has been faster than Alibaba (only 1000+ HK Shares).
The portfoilo has been narrowed to a 4 stocks composition where research has been thoroughly put into these 4. Moving forth, these 4 will remain, barring any change in their value story....