Savings pockets are fully liquid
Make sure to place your funds into Savings Pockets to get the 3.48% p.a. rate. Money left in the Main Account will only get 0.08% p.a. interest. Savings Pockets are goals you can set for yourself and put money into, and the funds can be withdrawn at any time. I reviewed this feature in my video earlier this year while the savings limit was still S$5,000. ...GXS today announced via email an increase in the maximum amount of money you can have in your GXS Savings Account from a mere S$5,000 to a much more respectable S$75,000. This means that you can get GXS’s current 3.48% p.a. interest on any amount up to S$75,000 if you put them into Saving Pockets. Thanks to those who shared in the Telegram group!