Saving & Spending
Counter The Trap Like A Pro: 0% Interest Credit Card Instalment Plans
By Turtle Investor  •  May 23, 2024
Are you tempted by 0% interest credit card instalment plans? They seem like a perfect way to spread out payments without extra cost. But before you sign up, there is a hidden trap that banks don’t want you to see. It is an open secret that banks can often be very innovative when it comes to leeching our hard-earned money, even when it seems like an easy no-brainer at first glance. Even after double-confirming that the credit card instalment plan is indeed 0% interest and that there are definitely no admin or processing fees involved, you could find yourself on the hook to pay a fee in the near future. In this article, I will reveal the pitfalls that can turn a seemingly great deal into an unexpected expense and show you how to avoid falling into these financial snares. How does this trap work? Read on, and I shall elaborate a little more on how to protect your wallet....
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By Turtle Investor
Hello there! I am Kevin and the author behind the Turtle Investor blog. At age 37, I hit CPF Full Retirement Sum (FRS) of $176,000 on the last day of 2019, twelve years after graduating from university. I am married and owns a 4-room apartment. I continue to be gainfully employed to build up my portfolio and provide my loved ones with better lives. Leaving everything behind and transitioning to a digital nomad life in Bali remains an option but not something that I’m actively pursuing now 🙂

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