Reflecting about A Stupid Income Strategy I Came Up With
By Investment Moats  •  May 23, 2024
I had one of those longer days at work and as I head towards Man Man Unagi in Keong Siak, I came up with an income strategy. As I thought about it more, I realize that it is rather stupid. Don’t worry, no one triggered me to think about this income strategy but I think my conversation with our Investment Analyst Choon Siong about how a Constant-Duration bond fund work did trigger this. I decide to share this stupid idea of mine with you because trying to find out why it is stupid and discuss around the strategy might help all of us to learn something. Who knows, may be at the end of this article, we might realize this idea is not so stupid after all. So the idea around this income strategy is this:

Use a 100% Investment-grade Fixed Income Bond Fund Portfolio. If we spend lower than

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By Investment Moats
Investment Moats is set up by Kyith Ng and have been around since 2005. He aims to share his experiences making sense of money, how money works and ways to grow his money. It hopes that by sharing his experiences, both good and bad, season investors can advice and critique his decisions and new investors can learn from them and find their own style ...

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