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The Cathedral of God
By SG Wealth Builder  •  June 21, 2024
or more than a decade, I have been asking myself the reason for building this blog. Is it really due to personal interest? Frankly, I doubt so as interest alone would not lead me to churn out investment articles weeks after weeks, months after months, years after years. Is it really about making money out of membership subscriptions? Honestly speaking, the amount of money I made from this blog is barely enough to pay for the blog hosting fees. In this article, I will share the story of The Cathedral of God to illustrate the vision, mission and value of SG Wealth Builder. The Cathedral of God is loosely based on a real-life story with many different versions and interpretations. Back in 1666, a devastating fire broke out to destroy London city. Legendary architect, Christopher Wren, was tasked to rebuild St Paul’s Cathedral. One fine day in 1671, Christopher Wren saw three bricklayers working at the site and...
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By SG Wealth Builder
Welcome to SG Wealth Builder! My name is Gerald and I hope that you find this blog useful in your wealth building journey. The motto of this blog is “to make money, to build wealth and to preserve wealth” ...

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