Largest investments updated (mid 2024): Never run out of money in retirement.
By A Singaporean Stockmarket Investor (ASSI)  •  June 27, 2024
It has been quite a while since I last blogged about my largest investments. The last time I published such a blog was in January 2023. So, it has been a year and a half! Apart from being lazy, I didn't do very much to my portfolio and, hence, I did not see the need to publish any updates. However, I think it is about time I do this even if it is just to take into account changes in market prices. Many things have changed in the past 18 months. Before we start, I want to share a YouTube video I produced on how not to run out of money in retirement which I feel is an important topic: Anyway, here is the update. $500,000 or more
  1. CPF
  2. OCBC
My CPF savings is a constant. Being risk free and volatility free, it provides peace of mind. I have not done any voluntary contributions to my CPF account in the last 18 months....
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By A Singaporean Stockmarket Investor (ASSI)
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