Stocks vs. Property: Where Should You Invest Your Money?
By Kelvin Learns Investing  •  June 27, 2024
Why I Choose Property Over Stocks: A Eric Chiew's Perspective Thinking about investing in stocks? In this video, we discuss the pros and cons of stock investments compared to property investments. While many people have successfully made money from stocks, it's crucial to understand what you're doing to see returns. As a real estate expert with a property-focused portfolio, I share my perspective on why I stick to property investments and the potential benefits of exploring stocks, especially for young couples. If you're not investing in stocks, business, or property, reinvesting your money is a good strategy. Watch till the end for valuable insights on choosing the right investment for you!...
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By Kelvin Learns Investing
Hey! Kelvin here! I talk about money related stuff like investing, credit cards, how to save money to retire early!

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