Personal Finance
UBS: Prices & Earnings Study
By Living Healthy, Staying Wealthy  •  January 5, 2011
Singapore registered one of the highest GDP growth in 2010. Property prices are on a relentless climb upwards, hence many are sitting on assets that are now worth more. So, are Singaporeans better off? Below is a comparison of the various aspects from data released by UBS which can be downloaded here . 1. Wage Levels In 2006, Singapore has a wage level of 38.9 (100 being the benchmark). In 2010, Singapore has dropped to 35.0. This reflects that the wages of Singaporeans have actually decreased over the past 4 years. 2. Domestic Purchasing Power In 2006, Singapore achieved 54.9 (again, 100 being the benchmark). In 2010, Singapore again dropped to 40.6. Which is a level close to Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur: 40.4). 3. Price Levels In 2006, Singapore is 62.9. In 2010, Singapore has shot up to the 11 most expensive city at 77.7. ......
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By Living Healthy, Staying Wealthy
Aaron Lau is a Independent Financial Adviser licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore to provide financial advice to individuals in Singapore. The main reason he is in the Financial Advisory industry is to share what he has learned after studying and comparing the various insurance and investment instruments in the market. He strongly feels that proper, quality financial planning is important to all individuals and sincerely would like to reach out to help as many as possible.

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