Shares & Derivatives
YZJ update 3: Trying to figure out the accusations
By Sillyinvestor  •  June 1, 2014
Below is what I posted at valuebuddies. The first part was a reply to a fellow forummer. [quote='yeokiwi' pid='84646' dateline='1401546694'] The three agreements that were signed between 成清波 and 任元林. As a listed company, can these kind of agreements be signed without informing the rest of the shareholders? The main accusation is based on the following paragraph: [quote] 甲方: 成清波 乙方: 任元林 5.在约定的回购期间和甲方受乙方委托行使标的股票股东权利期间,甲方必 须确保天津国恒始终处于盈利状态(以上市公司披露的报表为准);乙方有权派 员或委托会计师事务所定期和不定期对天津国恒进行财务审计,甲方必须给予积 极配合;对于天津国恒 2013 年度财务决算和财务会计报告书编制必须有乙方人 员参加并会签,同时甲方必须确保天津国恒 2013 年度盈利和在经乙方同意的情 况下,才能提交给上市公司会计师事务所进行年度会计报告审计。否则乙方有权 随时取消甲方对标的股票的回购权,同时有权立即收回委托甲方行使的一切股东 权利。另外,如果标的股票股价连续 3 个交易日下跌,或跌至 1.5 元/股以下,乙 方有权立即取消甲方对标的股票的回购权,同时有权立即收回委托甲方行使的一 切股东权利。 [/quote] [/quote] Hi YeoKiwi and CF, I read through the original agreement: (the 046 report), the terms of conditions include (pg 6) 3.甲、乙双方一致同意遵守保密义务,不将本协议内容透露和泄露给第三方, 否则违约方将赔偿因此给对方造成的损失。 There is condition of secrecy. Hmm… Isn’t 成清波 shooting himself? Next: 2.在约定的回购期间内和甲方拥有回购权的情况下,甲方应当认真履行基于 《授权委托书》的股东权利,切实维护天津国恒权益,如果甲方不认真履行基于 《授权委托书》的股东权利,[u][b]有可能致使天津国恒股票停牌或摘牌[/b][/u],或连续股价 下跌和发生其他损害天津国恒权益行为,造成天津国恒和乙方经济损失,则甲方 应当承担赔偿责任。[u][b]同时乙方有权立即取消甲方对标的股票的回购权,同时有权立即收回委托甲方行使的一切股东权利[/b][/u]。 If that is the case, the third accusation (三)涉嫌侵犯上市公司独立运作 Doesn’t hold, isn’t it? http://www.cninfo.......
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By Sillyinvestor

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