How Mighty Companies fall, and what to look out for as an investor
By Financial Horse  •  May 12, 2019

*Note: This post first appeared on my Patron page. If you enjoyed this and would like access to similar such posts, do consider signing up!*

Was reading the book “How the Mighty Fall” by Jim Collins recently, and I thought it was good enough to summarise here for the benefit of all Patrons (have made it available to all Patron tiers).

Essentially, this book looks at how once-mighty companies like Kodak can fall so far so fast. It examines the downfall of great historical companies, and splits their decline into 5 stages. In all stages except for Stage 5, the company can still be rescued by prudent management, as long as it doesn’t completely exhaust all its options or cash.

Many of us invest in blue chip companies because of the perceived stability and balance sheet strength, and on the basis that they will still be around in

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By Financial Horse
Financial Horse was founded with a simple goal – To provide high quality financial commentary, in plain English. He is a firm believer in Einstein’s quote that “If you can’t explain it to six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” Too much of finance is shrouded in complex jargon, and Financial Horse aims to demystify financial investments.

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