Why “Invest with what you can afford to lose” is a bad Investment advice
By Value Warrior  •  October 18, 2020

I came across this advice multiple times during my investment journey and I am also guilty of dishing out the same to many over the years. As I grow along my investment journey, I realize that "Only Invest in what you can afford to lose…" is actually not a very good investment advice. Here are the reasons why.

  • "Only invest what you can afford to lose" tend to create a mindset that Investing is like gambling. Since the money is something that they can afford to lose, people will tend to take more risk in their investment. They will be more willing to "invest" based on news/tips and are less inclined to put in effort to research on the companies they are investing in, treating their investment like a gamble.
  • Investing in what you can afford to lose also tends to limit the amount one is willing to invest. Generally what people can afford to lose is only a small
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By Value Warrior
A regular working Joe starting out his value investing journey. I started my investment journey late at the age of 34. Looking back i wish i had started earlier so that power of compounding can work its magic. Nevertheless a good time to start investing is always NOW!!! So here i am having started this journey, i planned to reach Financial independence at age 65. Wish me luck.

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