But people do enjoy spending their money !
By Growing your tree of prosperity  •  November 27, 2023
In the rush to come up with sustainable ways to spend down your retirement assets, we often run into the problem where the thought leadership would reduce the withdrawal rate to achieve a safer withdrawal plan. It is only within the financial blogosphere that this is encouraged and celebrated. Everywhere else in the real world, we tend to forget that people actually enjoy their money and if you actually want to make your finances sustainable until you are age 120, a lot of your wealth will remain unspent. For me, unspent wealth is fine as I have biological kids, but the FIRE movement is full of singles so this will just result in a lot of extremely wealthy godchildren, nieces and nephews. The problem is that the conventional approach to FIRE using the Bengen approach, suppose you begin with a portfolio size of $1,000,000, and you designate 4% or $40,000 as your expenses the following year. Then you adjust it...
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By Growing your tree of prosperity
I have recently completed my Juris Doctor and I am waiting to be called by the Singapore Bar. For the past 15 years I was an IT manager and I have worked in multinationals, financial exchanges, trade unions and even a government agency. I started my career as an AS/400 administrator and moved on to manage IT projects and operations

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