Personal Finance
CPF Special Account closed at age 55 now – How does this affect Singapore Investors in retirement? Can you invest to replace CPF-SA?
By Financial Horse  •  February 24, 2024
As you likely would have heard by now. DPM Lawrence Wong announced 2 big changes to CPF at last week’s budget. After which many Singapore investors were up in arms. Given how integral CPF is for Singapore investors (most of us would have a decent chunk of our net worth in CPF). I wanted to take some time out to discuss:
  1. What exactly are the changes to CPF-SA?
  2. How does this affect Singapore Investors in retirement?
  3. Are we able to invest to replace the CPF-SA?
How does CPF-SA work today (before the changes) Let’s take a step back and start right at the top. How did CPF Special Account (CPF-SA) work before this round of changes? The way it worked, is that at 55 years of age. Everything in your CPF-SA would be transferred into a CPF Retirement Account (CPF-RA), up to the Full Retirement Sum (FRS). If you didn’t have enough in your CPF-SA, the rest would come from CPF-OA....
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By Financial Horse
Financial Horse was founded with a simple goal – To provide high quality financial commentary, in plain English. He is a firm believer in Einstein’s quote that “If you can’t explain it to six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” Too much of finance is shrouded in complex jargon, and Financial Horse aims to demystify financial investments.

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