How to analyse stocks using the moomoo app
By Singapore's Budget Babe  •  May 27, 2024
The secret to finding time to analyse stocks while juggling kids and your career is to use mobile apps that can allow you to do it on the go. Thanks to digital brokerages that have democratised access to investing information for retail investors, this option now exists (vs. a decade ago when I first started investing – where everything had to be done on the desktop)! I often get asked on how I analyse stocks, especially as a busy mom who juggles my career, content creation, e-commerce business and my kids. The answer? I analyse while I’m on the go – on my mobile phone, during my regular commute (or sometimes while I’m lying in bed patting my kids to sleep). This is only possible now because I rely a lot on apps like moomoo, which I’ve been using since their launch in Singapore in 2021. Let me walk you through with some quick examples:...
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By Singapore's Budget Babe
Budget Babe is an ordinary lady striving to achieve financial freedom in Singapore before the age of 45. She is always looking for cost-effective ways to live a fulfilling life in amidst Singapore's rising costs, and writes in order to empower fellow Singaporeans on taking charge of their own lives and finances. The final goal is to eventually break free from the competitive rat race. Will I meet you there? ...

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